Alaska Project
The Story
My first step on this property prompted what some might call a “spiritual awakening” and what to me, could only be described as a download from the Universe. I’d never been to Alaska, yet somehow this particular place felt somehow familiar. A deep excitement rose within my chest, a heart thump that I’ve felt before - a feeling that I’ve learned I could trust over the years. It is the same thump that has guided me in similar seemingly high-risk opportunities, that had now landed me in a place I’d never once considered coming to before this particular week, this remote piece of land in wild and untamed Alaska.
As my freshly soled boots hit the soil for the first time and as my lungs began to take in the crisp, clean Alaskan air, an immediate shift in my soul began and I felt it. Taking a brief inventory of this feeling that was arising, I made my way through the untouched landscape, through dense trees and untamed brush, eventually coming to a narrow channel of water separating the main land from a tiny island. Through the trees I could see a small cabin peacefully perched on the river bank. With each step toward the cabin, with every duck and hand brush of tree limbs, over every log and obstacle in my path, the internal feeling that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, became more and more prominent. For it is if I knew deep within me, not consciously, this land beneath my feet would soon be in my stewardship.
The Vision
I relished the excitement that was filtering its way through my senses, permeating my soul, making me and that familiar thump in my chest come more alive. I marveled again at this feeling I've come to learn and love. I continued forward embarking on one of my favorite pastimes- exploration. For the next few hours I walked the property with my brother Chad. He listened as I daydreamed and shared the pictures that effortlessly populated in my mind while we walked the yet-to-be carved trails through the dense forest of trees on the island. This vision casting is something familiar to me, very much like my work as a designer back home. Whole structures coming to life before my eyes, only this time far more quickly and with a level of detail much richer than my experiences with my work.
In my mind's eye, I saw greenhouses with tiers of homegrown vegetables gently watered from hoses sourced from the adjacent river. I saw lofted bunk houses equipped with checkered bedding and wood burning stoves. I saw trails lit up with lights powered by exclusively from panels neatly aligned along the rivers edge. These warmly lit paths tunneling their way through the canopied forest finally opening to a large common area by the water with a handmade table so big it seemed almost impossible to fill. On this table were fresh vegetables and freshly caught fish being served to praying hands. Just as the evening slowly turned to dusk, so did complete and perfect strangers turn lifelong friends.
I envisioned a place for individuals and groups alike - retreats for young boys like me without dads, yogi’s, writers, creatives, healers and other artists and transformers. I saw groups of men gathering around a firepit seeking rest and solitude - to experience this spiritual awakening just as I was. We were in a forest after all, and what else is a forest for if not for-rest. I saw a property sustained by love and carefully cultivated by people I've still yet to meet. This dream still as alive even now as I write these words.
It was only after spending a single evening on the property with my brother, whom was now in this with me, that the WHY was finally made clear. While sitting on the withered deck kicking our feet over the tattered plywood edge, silently gazing at the reflection of the moon across the river of glass, a message came through. Like that of a whisper, amplified by the pure and unadulterated silence that surrounded us, and just as clear as the water below our feet, I heard…
“Those who come here will be transformed.”
It was my, "If you build it, they will come” moment, and I was all in. Like fresh snow hitting warm water, the fear of "What if?" Or “Do I have even have enough?” dissolved. While I didn't know my role just yet, I knew I was supposed to be a part of it - my soul needed to be a part of it.
I went to bed that night on the floor of the cabin with a deep knowing that this property would soon belong to our soon-to-be calloused hands, but the question of who it was for still made me curious. It was far too sacred of a vision to be just for us and far too big of an idea to build alone. This, I knew, was definitely meant to be shared. As I laid there listening to the sounds of the crackling fire, the images and events of the day played through my mind over and over again before finally falling to sleep.
The next morning, Chad and I awoke early to catch the sun peeking up over the ridge across the water and caught the subtle display of beavers paddling upstream. The soft sounds of their tails hitting the water perforated the silence, and the pure glass that once mirrored the still landscape across the rivers edge was now perfectly interrupted with a delicate ripple that seemed to last for decades. It was as if, the Universe was signaling to me that what we would build here - that our ripple would do the same.
I had already said yes to the opportunity to go to Alaska on a whim, and somehow by the end of the month, the offer was in, accepted, and this beautiful land was in my name and under my care.
Which now brings us here, to this moment. A call to action. It’s time to start building - would you join me?
Does this Sound like something you want to be apart of?
Want to come to Alaska and help us build? Don’t worry, experience not required. Click below to tell us a little about yourself.
Not into physical labor, but still wanna help? We would more than appreciate any monetary help you can offer so we can purchase materials & feed our volunteers!